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Il blog di Perekkiofono (9)

Pag. 1 2


di Perekkiofono del 14/08/2016 alle 1:01


Let's play

di Perekkiofono del 31/05/2013 alle 23:35


di Perekkiofono del 19/02/2013 alle 17:27

Nuove funzioni di mindIT !

di Perekkiofono del 08/02/2013 alle 14:21

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The result of pinging all the Internet IP addresses

di Perekkiofono del 08/02/2013 alle 2:32

Fixed pigs jumping constantly when players control them on half slabs/stairs
Fixed Z-fighting of iron bars/glass panes with the block below/above
Fixed leaves replacing transparent blocks
Fixed clouds not having a transparency when you are underneath
Fixed baby mob collision boxes being too large
Fixed village lamp post torches sometimes floating
Fixed fence corners having incorrect collision boxes
Fixed wither skeletons having incorrect hitboxes
Fixed double trapped chests playing sounds twice when opening and closing
Fixed some trapped chests not playing sounds
Fixed villager trade menus missing their names
Fixed placing block directly east of the hopper making its inside appear black
Fixed pistons pushing pistons creating extra piston arms and/or pistons under certain circumstances
Fixed comparators not updating their output signal correctly
Fixed team option "friendlyfire" resetting upon map reload
Fixed a scoreboard name duplication
Fixed FallingSand not supporting block IDs > 128

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